Restorative Dentistry

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Restorative Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ

Biltmore Dental Center brings smiles back to life by offering restorative dentistry to Phoenix, AZ adults, children, and families. As seasoned practitioners, we see day in and day out the immense toll that missing and broken teeth take on our patients. Our team is committed to renewing your ability to speak, chew, digest, and smile like normal again. We combine compassionate care with innovative dental technology that treats patients quickly and effectively. We will customize your treatment plan to correct your condition and fulfill your smile needs. From applying implants, dentures, crowns, and bridges, our team is demined to restore and elevate your oral health and function.
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Services for a Fully Functional Mouth

Damaged teeth affect your beauty and smile but can also negatively impact your general health and wellness. Missing and broken teeth make it challenging to chew, digest, and speak, which can impede your physical and mental health. We provide comprehensive restorative treatments, methods, and solutions for patients of all ages and backgrounds. We will help you choose one or more of the following services to restore your smile:
smiling middle aged woman

How Would Restorative Dentistry Benefit Me?

Everyone can benefit from restorative treatments. Many adults, children, teens, and seniors receive dental restoration for broken and decayed teeth daily. If your teeth have suffered from a condition that has negatively affected your smile, you are a prime candidate for restorative services. We recommend learning more about our customized treatments if you have one or more of the following:

  • Tooth Decay – Untreated decay can eventually lead to tooth loss. If this happens to you, we can provide a tooth implant and replacement.
  • Hypodontia – This condition begins at birth and causes children to be born without one or more permanent teeth. If you have Hypodontia, we can fill in the leftover gaps with implements and fillings to complete your smile.
  • Damage – Have you gotten one or more teeth loosened or knocked out after an injury or trauma? Choose Biltmore Dental Center to restore or repair the impacted teeth.
Old couple regained beauty & confidence with fixed partial dentures in Phoenix, AZ

For a Smile That's Good as New

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